
If you want to join our box, please contact us per email before signing up online.

Do not purchase a membership without our confirmation!

To sign up for a membership you will need one of the following: At least 8+ weeks of CrossFit experience at a CrossFit affiliate or a completed foundation course. If you want to start with the foundation course, click here.


Monday - Friday morning classes 6:30am + 7:30am
Weekend classes
12 HOURS before class

Monday - Friday lunch time and evening classes
5 HOURS before class
Open gym
2 HOURS before

Feel free to contact us if something isn’t clear.  Our memberships are valid for all the classes we offer including the speciality classes. Class memberships are QualiCert certified. Please be aware that the open Gym memberships are not QualiCert certified and have to be purchased seperatly.

 By clicking “Sign up” you confirm you have read and accepted our terms and conditions.